If you are outraged by paying for people to be on Food stamps but not by paying for public schools - you just might be a hypocrite. The main difference between these two government run programs is one is socially accepted and the other, not so much.
Both of these "services" are covered by the taxpayer.
School funding comes in two forms of taxation. 1. Federal income tax and 2. property tax. If you don't have children in public schools and don't want to pay for a service you will not or are not using, tough luck. Not paying either of these taxes will eventually end with the government punishing you with violence. Whether you are cognizant of it or not veiled threats of violence are what keep people funding schools. The violence would include stealing your property for non payment, garnishing your earnings (more theft), fining you into compliance (more theft), and in extreme cases jail time - think Wesley Snipes. The government doesn't care if you don't use the service in question. Governments only care about forcing you to fund it.
Welfare programs are also funded by federal and state or local governments. 72% of all welfare funding comes in the form of federal grants. Funding for the various programs comes from a general revenue fund. This is acquired through various forms taxation of course because everything the government has it has taken from someone else. There are no exceptions. Approximately 89% of state welfare spending goes toward medical care vendor payments for programs such as Medicaid. Just 2% goes toward programs that provide cash assistance to low-income families , housing assistance, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) combined. The remaining 9% goes toward other public welfare programs.
Both food assistance and education are considered to be "helping" the people who use them.
One is supposed to be helping to educate the youth. This is a questionable presumption considering many things taught in public schools have no practical use, other things are flat out lies, and important information that would be useful is purposefully left out (examples being how the banking system works, details about taxation, life skills, and logic/reasoning).
The other (food stamps+) is helping low income families meet their basic needs like food and shelter. As I mentioned earlier only 2% of welfare funding goes to food stamp recipients, housing assistance, and cash assistance combined.
Both of these programs are used by individuals who don't necessarily pay into them. Both are also funded by people who don't and will never use them.
Differences between the two.
One is socially acceptable with the alternative considered to be almost taboo. Look at the stigma around home schooled children. Parents who educate their children at home are still forced to fund their local public school and on top of that many are ridiculed for their decision to take their child's education into their own hands, their motives are often questioned and their parenting condemned with assumptions around the child's ability to properly learn everything from social skills to various other skills the parent not have themselves and therefore it's assumed they can't teach.
Food stamps, on the other hand, is socially unacceptable. Many welfare recipients have jobs and contribute to the overall funding of the programs, in fact, as of 2016, 40 states had work requirements for food stamps. That didn't change the most common assumption people have about food stamp recipients which is that they are lazy and taking from a fund they don't pay into. Both assumptions being provably false using the available and most current stats.
A less obvious difference is the amount of funding extorted from the populace to actually pay for the service. While it differs from state to state it costs taxpayers anywhere from 6,500$ - 21,000$ per student per year to educated them. K – 12 education is the biggest single cost to state and local governments, eating up close to a third of their revenues contributed by taxpayers.
In contrast, the federal government sets the food stamps benefit amount at, on average, roughly $4 a day per person. This equals, on average, a total of 1,460$ per person per year. In 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid $36 towards the food stamps program. While the cost of educating a single child on the lowest end for all 12 years is 78,000$ it would take a person roughly 54 years of receiving food stamps, housing, and cash assistance to equal the same amount. The high end numbers are 250,000$ thousand per 12 years of public schooling requiring 126 years of food stamp collections to equal the same amount.
Your real problem is government forcing you to pay for things you don't want.
The problem all boils down to government extortion and theft. Government uses unethical tactics to fund it's programs. If you are disgruntled about being forced to pay to help needy families eat you should figure out why you aren't equally outraged by being forced to fund a failing education system that costs you five times as much in taxes. People get to choose the quality of the food they receive when using food stamps, unfortunately they don't have a say in the quality of education being dished out to the masses. Switching to a system similar to Go Fund Me would ensure the people contributing to the service were doing so voluntarily. If a service is important to a community nothing will stop them from affording and funding it. Once the government successfully extorts your money, I am afraid you can't control how they turn around and spend it. Consider the culprit before lasing out at those on welfare. They are merely utilizing a service government is allowing them to access, much the same as anyone attending public schools.