90% Of Media Is RIGGED
It was not always like this. Immediately after World War II three out of four US newspapers were independently owned. But the media-control numbers have been shrinking ever since then due to mergers, acquisitions, and other processes. By 1983, 50 corporations controlled 90 percent of US media. But today just five giant conglomerates control 90 percent of what most Americans read, watch, and listen to.
In modern America, it feels like you have an unlimited variety of entertainment and media options right at your fingertips.
Television, film, and video game companies seem to come out of the woodwork in today's startup-centric economy. Who knows what they'll do next?
But while it may seem like you have limitless options, most of the media you consume is owned by one of five companies.
While independent media outlets still exist (Gaia is one of my favorites), the major outlets are almost all owned by five conglomerates.
There aren't numerous US mass media news sources at all; there are just five. Five giant corporations control 90% of US mass media. And direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power-elites of the United States.
So to be clear, "media" DOES NOT ONLY refer to news outlets — it refers to any medium that controls the distribution of information.
"Media" includes 24-hour news stations, books, radio, newspapers, publishing houses, magazines, film, books, internet utilities, internet platforms, internet search engines, even video games, and other forms of information delivery.
With that in mind, let's take a look at each of five, who control them, and what they own.
These five conglomerates are
Time Warner
Murdochs' News Corporation
Bertelsmann of Germany
Viacom (formerly CBS).
These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.
It is notable and should be emphasized that all the five major media conglomerates are corporate members of the Council on Foreign relations (but back to that in a moment).
It should also be noted that the conglomerates themselves are giant corporations. They are among the largest companies in the world. They contribute to both of America’s big parties, the Republicans and Democrats, while supporting their policies.
Newspapers all over the world exist, and have existed, in the service of economic and political power rather than in that of truth and noble ideals.
If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most options available. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, have done all these things, and promote the “New World Order”, as they have for over seventy years.
The United States, it is apparent even to the blind, is a nightmare of contradictions.
Now... back to the Council on Foreign Relations or CFR. Remember all 5 conglomerates are "corporate" members of the CFR ...
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an organization - a US think-tank - whose members have been instrumental in formulating US government policies resulting in sanctions, destabilization efforts, and outright military attacks on nations which have never attacked the US.
The Council's members’ activities helped to promote the Iraq war, the bombings of Serbia and Libya, and the overthrow of the elected government of the Ukraine.
The Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations is composed in total of thirty-six officers. Peter G. Peterson
This article by ourfuture.org explains how he is tied into the thread of extremely wealthy individuals who actually run the world. You can begin to see how dangerous it becomes when they also make all the decisions across so many spectrums of media.
and David Rockefeller are Directors Emeriti
(A director emeritus is a former member of a company's board of directors who has completed his service as director but continues to be associated with the business as an adviser.).
Corporate membership
CFR has several levels of corporate membership: founders, premium members and associates. As of 7 June 2013 founders were:
Muckety is a great place to find useful interactive maps and infographics.
The above Muckety map shows well-known media figures who are members of the council. (You might want to view the map in the larger version, for more elbow room.)
Around the periphery of the map, you’ll see the media outlets employing these journalists. They are some of the biggest news companies in America, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, the New Yorker, public broadcasting and commercial broadcast companies.
News Corp., owner of Fox and the Wall Street Journal, is a corporate member. So is Time Warner, owner of Time, Fortune and CNN. Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters are also corporate members.
Individual membership in the Council on Foreign Relations is an honor bestowed on the few. Applicants must be sponsored by sitting members. Acceptance is so highly regarded that it is often listed on CVs.
The Think Tanks And Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania has ranked CFR fourth among the top 30 think tanks, behind the Brookings Institution, the UK’s Chatham House, and the Carnegie Endowment.
And yet you’ll find little written about the council itself.
The news is utterly and comprehensively rigged, and it was highlighted here by former CNN star reporter Amber Lyon who went public with accusations about how CNN allowed foreign terror regimes to actually BUY positive coverage on CNN's broadcasts! This story is absolutely astonishing, and the very best interview of Amber Lyon exposing all this was conducted by Alex Jones and is found on YouTube.com. See Amber Lyon's website at: http://www.amberlyonlive.com
CFR Influence in Education and the Media
The Council accepts only American citizens, and has a membership of about 3,600, including influential bankers, corporate officers, and leading government officials who have been significantly affecting domestic and foreign policy for the past 30 years. Every [recent] member had been handpicked by David Rockefeller, who heads the inner circle of the CFR.
Among the members of the media who have been in the CFR:
William Paley (CBS)
Dan Rather (CBS)
Harry Reasoner (CBS)
Roone Arledge (ABC)
Bill Moyers (NBC)
Tom Brokaw (NBC)
John Chancellor (NBC)
Marvin Kalb (CBS)
Irving Levine
David Brinkley (ABC)
John Scali
Barbara Walters (ABC)
William Buckley (PBS, National Review)
George Stephanopoulos
Daniel Schorr (CBS)
Robert McNeil (PBS)
Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Diane Sawyer
Hodding Carter III
Some of the major newspapers, news services and media groups that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR:
New York Times (Sulzbergers, James Reston, Max Frankel, Harrison Salisbury)
Washington Post (Frederick S. Beebe, Katherine Graham, Osborne Elliott)
Wall Street Journal
Boston Globe
Baltimore Sun
Chicago Sun-Times
L.A. Times Syndicate
Houston Post
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Arkansas Gazette
Des Moines Register and Tribune
Louisville Courier
Associated Press
United Press International
Reuters News Service
Gannett Co. (publisher of USA Today and 90 other daily papers plus 40 weeklies; and also owns 15 radio stations, 8 TV stations, and 40,000 billboards).
In 1896, Aldolph Ochs bought the New York Times, with the financial backing of J.P. Morgan (CFR), August Belmont (Rothschild agent), and Jacob Schiff (of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.). It later passed to the control of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who was also a CFR member. Eugene Meyer, a CFR member, bought the Washington Post in 1933. [It was later] run by his daughter, Katherine Graham, also a member of the CFR.
Some of the magazines that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR:
Time, Inc. founded by CFR member Henry Luce and Hedley Donovan, which publishes Time, Fortune, Life, Money, People, Entertainment Weekly, and Sports Illustrated
Newsweek (owned by the Washington Post, W. Averell Harriman, Roland Harriman, and Lewis W. Douglas)
Business Week
U.S. News and World Report
Saturday Review
National Review
Reader's Digest
Atlantic Monthly
Harper's Magazine
Some of the publishers that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR:
Random House
Simon & Schuster
Harper Brothers
Harper & Row
Yale University Press
Little Brown & Co.
Viking Press
Cowles Publishing.
CFR Affiliated Organizations and Corporations
G. Gordon Liddy, former Nixon staffer, who later became a talk show pundit, laughed off the idea of a "New World Order", saying that there are so many different organizations working toward their own goals of a one-world government, that they cancel each other out. Not the case. You have seen that their tentacles are very far reaching, as far as the government and the media. However, as outlined below, you will see that the CFR has a heavy cross membership with many groups; as well as a cross membership among the directorship of many corporate boards, and this is a good indication that their efforts are concerted.
Some of the organizations and think-tanks that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR:
RAND Corporation
American Assembly
Foreign Policy Association (co-founded by CFR member Raymond Fosdick)
Business Advisory Council
Committee for Economic Development
National Foreign Trade Council
National Bureau of Economic Research
National Association of Manufacturers
National Industrial Conference Board
Americans for Democratic Action
Institute for Defense Analysis
World Peace Foundation
United Nations Association
National Planning Association
Center for Inter-American Relations
Free Europe Committee
Atlantic Council of the U.S. (founded in 1961 by CFR member Christian Herter)
Council for Latin America
National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
African-American Institute
Middle East Institute
Some of the many companies that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR:
Morgan, Stanley
Kuhn, Loeb
Lehman Brothers
Bank of America
Chase Manhattan Bank
J. P. Morgan and Co.
First National City Bank
Brown Brothers, Harriman and Co.
Bank of New York
Chemical Bank
Bankers Trust of New York
Manufacturers Hanover
Morgan Guaranty
Merrill Lynch
Equitable Life
New York Life
Metropolitan Life
Mutual of New York
Prudential Insurance
Phillips Petroleum
Atlantic-Richfield (Arco)
Xerox Corporation
General Electric
ITT Corporation
Dow Chemical
E. I. du Pont
BMW of North America
Toyota Motor Corporation
General Motors
Ford Motor Company
U.S. Steel
Proctor and Gamble
Johnson and Johnson
Estee Lauder
Avon Products
R. J. R. Nabisco
R. H. Macy
Federated Department Stores
Gimbel Brothers
J. C. Penney Company
Sears, Roebuck and Company
May Department Stores
Allied Stores
American Express
Coca Cola
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Hilton Hotels
American Airlines
In September, 1922, when the CFR began publishing its quarterly magazine, Foreign Affairs, the editorial stated that its purpose was "to guide American opinion." By 1924, it had "established itself as the most authoritative American review dealing with international relations." This highly influential magazine has been the leading publication of its kind, and has a circulation of over 75,000. Reading this publication can be highly informative as to the views of its members. For instance, the Spring, 1991 issue, called for a U.N. standing army, consisting of military personnel from all the member nations, directly under the control of the U.N. Security Council.
A major source of their funding (since 1953), stems from providing a "corporate service" to over 100 companies for a minimum fee of $1,000, that furnishes subscribers with inside information on what is going on politically and financially, both internationally and domestically; by providing free consultation, use of their extensive library, a subscription to Foreign Affairs, and by holding seminars on reports and research done for the Executive branch. They also publish books and pamphlets, and have regular dinner meetings to allow speakers and members to present positions, award study fellowships to scholars, promote regional meetings and stage round-table discussion meetings.
The moral, educational and financial decline of this nation has been no accident. It has been due to a carefully contrived plot on behalf of these conspirators, who will be satisfied with nothing less than a one-world government. And it is coming to that. As each year goes by, the momentum is picking up, and it is becoming increasingly clear, what road the government is taking. The proponents of one-world government are becoming less secretive, as evidenced by George Bush's talk of a "New World Order." The reason for that is that they feel it is too late for their plans to be stopped. They have become so entrenched in our government, our financial structure, and our commerce, that they probably do control this country, if not the world. In light of this, it seems that it will be only a matter of time before their plans are fully implemented.
By gaining ownership of the “influential” print media nearly a century ago, the global elitists were able to assure that they would maintain control of the information flow to the masses, the “common people,” for decades to come. Today, they control the five mass media conglomerates that in turn own or control all major TV and radio station syndicates; the print media, including newspapers, the educational books used in our schools and universities, and book and magazine publishers; the major internet service providers; music, video, and recording companies; and the Hollywood film industry, which accounts for the increase in obscenity, pornography, and violence in filmmaking.
How did the global elitists succeed in their plans under the “watchful eye” of the media? David Rockefeller in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June 1991 thanked the CFR-controlled mass media elitists for maintaining their secrecy while reiterating his agenda for a New World Order:
We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.