Goal Getting 101
A goal getter is a person with a distinct history of setting out to do something, giving it their all, and accomplishing it in any, even all, aspects of life — personal accomplishment, relationships, work, or fitness.
I've been so poor that when I made $500 it seemed like a fortune. I've been so poor that as a grown woman I made $10,000.00 pre-taxed dollars one year. With a tax rate between 30% to 50% on any given year through an array of taxes, I was living on what calculated out to be around $13.00 a day. I was homeless. I had nothing. Well, almost nothing.
What I did have left were my mentality and my personality. These two things co-conspired to create the characteristics necessary to manifest an abundant life. I now own my own home, work from said home at my leisure, take vacations that last 6 weeks at a time and have every opportunity to see places and enjoy experiences I never dreamed I would be in the position to see and experience.
I wasn’t born “special”. Well, at least not by my own standards. I am just an average girl. Anyone can cultivate the life they want, from nothing. Here are the tools that I used to condition myself to achieve my goals.
Goal Getting Mentality Fostering a Goal Getter mentality is simple, and completely attainable for anyone. It only takes energy and effort. Two things many people aren’t willing to put themselves through, evidently, judging by the percentage of the population that apply themselves in pursuance of reaching their goals. It’s not that the rest are inept, they just simply don’t have the right attitude, inner ambition or drive to push through the challenges required to be a habitual goal getter.
The Goal Getting Personality A Goal Getter is someone who is passionate, resourceful, conscious, disciplined, open-minded and driven. They don’t live by other people’s rules, standards and/or expectations. They rather live life on their own terms, in full control of their own fate — making the most of every situation they find themselves in. They take calculated risks and push the boundaries of what others believe is plausible. This gives them the energy that propels them forward, surpassing their wildest dreams.
Of course, in order to achieve a goal, you need to be very clear about what exactly it is you want in the first place. Without a distinct set of goals and objectives, you are just a leaf blowing around in the wind.
Cultivate The Goal Getter Archetype Within Yourself
Do what you love To me, this is number 1. At least if you love something and are passionate about it then all the so-called “work” you put in won’t feel like it one bit. Instead of being unmotivated to tackle something you have little to no desire to even do, you will find yourself filled with a motivational energy to do more of what you adore doing. Seems pretty simple to figure out what you love to do and earn a living doing it, still so many people devote their lives to doing something they dislike. This can drain energy and motivation creating the perfect life rut to fester in. Woomp woomp.
Show up daily This is why doing what you love is number one on my list. Goal getters show up daily. Even when they don’t feel like it. Even when it seems like a great day to do nothing Goal getters are disciplined. They put in the time (even if it’s 5 minutes) each day to move closer to their long-term goals. Mastery of a craft requires daily practice. Daily practice comes without impedance when you have a love and passion for what it is you're doing daily.
Personal Accountability Goal getters are personally accountable to themselves. They follow through on the promises they make to themselves because that breeds self-confidence or a trust in oneself. They take what they tell themselves seriously and they do everything in their power to ensure they keep their word to themselves.
Cameleon-esque Goal getters are capable of blending into whatever situation or circumstance they are presented with. Life is full of unpredictable situations, how you respond to challenges will make or break you. Goal getters aren’t destroyed by critique or rejection. Instead, they see these as opportunities to learn and grow.
Consuming: Producing Of course, we all consume to one extent or another but many people live their lives working to make someone else wealthy just to consume… stuff, day in day out. Building debt and living their days out a slave to those debt notes. Make sure you're consuming to producing ratio isn’t out of whack. Start producing more. More of whatever it takes to tackle your goals one at a time and start consuming less of whatever you consume that distracts you from production.
Networking Although this is listed last, this is just as important as doing what you love. Constantly build and grow your network, both social and professional networks. The most efficient way to get ahead and to achieve your goals is to create a strong, capable network of people that they can turn to for assistance, guidance, and support. Continually put yourself in the position to get to know the people that have the knowledge, experience, and resources to help you get ahead in your life. Leverage this network to help you continually move forward in the most optimal ways.
These traits are manifested intentionally by wise individuals, not bestowed upon a lucky few. Begin to push your boundaries on a daily basis and move slowly in the direction of your goals. Actively cultivate the habits of a goal getter inside of you, and you will surely find prosperity on a multitude of levels.
It is the goal getters who will ultimately prevail.