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False Flags

False flags are a phenomenon that is increasing, not dying away. This isn’t because people are becoming eviler. Governments and individuals have always sought power. What's different about our world today is the means of power. For some groups and nations false flags are becoming easier to do, and so we are seeing them perpetuate them more frequently.

In the past few years, greater numbers of researchers are paying attention to this phenomenon. Occasionally even political figures will talk about false flags as part of our reality these days.

Even so false flag remain mostly unacknowledged in our mainstream media, which truly has become a straightjacket of conformist thought.

We live in an ever-changing world and we can’t expect the future to look like today.

With false flags, we have seen continuity and change. Let's first look at continuity. There are several key features to most false flags.

They are usually designed to get our attention. Often in a spectacular and emotional way. Definitely, something that induces some sort of emotional trauma. Then once we look at them with some detachment they seem very very contrived. Think of the Guy Fawkes escapade of 1685. They simply catch him in the room ready to blow up parliament. Or... the make-believe attack against Sweden in 1788 by guys in Russian uniforms. Or the spectacular Reichstag fire of 1933, or 9-11. These are spectacular events that are also heavy with symbolism. 9-11 was especially powerful as the symbols of American financial power (WTC) and symbols of the

military power (Pentagon) were attacked. In all of the cases of these spectacular and usually symbolic attacks. You find that in reality little to no damage was actually done. Even with 9-11 despite the personal tragedy of the day, America’s wealth and power were certainly not affected by the attacks. Those two things were affected in a much greater way by the wars that followed the attacks of 9-11.

The second feature of these false flags is that they generally received immediate media saturation. Now, this was harder to do in the earlier cases, but with the arrival of newspapers, it became possible. With the arrival of radio and then television, easier still. Now in an age of total connectivity via smartphones, it is easier still. Your headline comes directly to you courtesy of powerful, privately owned, media conglomerates that work hand-in-glove with the government. But the media saturation occurs usually with one voice very early on. With talking points among networks that are entirely interchangeable.

We find that the case is closed very quickly, at least officially speaking. Guilt is immediately levied, and that's the end of that. No discussion, No argument, and certainly no nuance. Whether it’s the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 or any of the other areas that we have explored - we find that a culprit, some would say a patsy

is quickly found. And even if the culprit does have something to do with the event, there usually remain dark complexities that are off limits to public investigation. This is related to factor 4...

They have convenient scapegoats.

The next characteristics of these false flags are decisive and negative government action, which of course is the point of all of these false flags. The German invasion of Poland. The Soviet invasion of Finland. The American regime changes of Iran and Guatemala. The escalation of the war in Vietnam. The elimination of the dissent in China. The passage of government surveillance laws in the U.S., and the invasion of multiple nations in the Middle East. These were all draconian actions that would have never been justified without the trauma of the manufactured events that triggered them. The spectacular and frightening events, rolled out is smooth media narrative and immediately solved with the appropriate patsies this is what prepares the public for such traumatic government actions.

Now if these were all there were to false flags we could easily say these are simply examples of governments is just taking advantage of traumatic events, they are examples of opportunism - nothing more. And that is why false flags have another very important feature.

Anomalies, Questions, things that don’t fit into the official narrative. Problems of explanation. Very often these are leaks in confessions that get out like in the case that Soviet leaders admitting many years later that the invasion of Finland was based on a false flag. Or the detailed historical research of someone like Robert Stinnett on U.S. Navy communications prior to Pearl Harbor. From the free fall disintegration of 16 acres of steel and cement of the world trade center to the lack of response by American air defense to the magical passport of one of the hijackers found in the rubble and on and on.

Nicki is a Mother, Blogger, Author, Activist, and Survivor.
Her passions are Freedom & Food. When she isn't overloaded with daily life she loves to travel and meet like minded people.
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