How the CFR controls what you think
The Council on Fuckery Relations as I like to refer to it, or The Council on Foreign Relations as it is more commonly known. It probably has a foothold on your thoughts and you may not even know it, or at least not know how.
I'm going to veer of course here for just a moment and talk a bit about think tanks. Think tanks play a central role in the policy-making process. Think tanks have often been called factory of ideas and policy mills. Think tanks are essential for the elite’s research and planning.
Think tanks aid the investigation, analysis, tactics, and solutions concerning a wide variety of matters and issues. These elitist think tanks like CFR keep on working on the micro and macro levels of their many agendas around the globe (<-no offense to FE).
The think tanks elite set up and continue to have millions if not billions of dollars in an annual budget. The big think tanks have the monetary power and the outreach and easily undermine the smaller think tanks. It doesn’t matter which party comes to power, the ideas, concepts, procedures, and policies come from these same think tanks.
As researcher Laurence H. Shoup writes regarding CFR, arguably the most influential think tank in the world, in his book
Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics, 1976-2014
"The think tank of monopoly-finance capital, the Council on Foreign Relations is the world’s most powerful private organization. The CFR is the ultimate networking, socializing, strategic-planning, and a consensus-forming institution of the U.S. capitalist class. It is the central “high command” organization of the plutocracy that runs the country and much of the world."
CFR is just one think tank at the elite’s disposal.
Now, let's get into the Council itself.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an organization - a US think-tank - whose members have remained instrumental in forming US government policies resulting in sanctions, destabilization efforts, and outright military attacks on nations which have never attacked the US.
The Council's members’ activities help to promote war, bombings and overthrow governments.
The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite who just so happen to own controlling interest in all of the major media outlets including print media.
The Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations is composed in total of thirty-six officers.
Peter G. Peterson
This article by illustrates how he is tied into the thread of extremely wealthy individuals who truly run the world. You can begin to see how dangerous it becomes when they also make all the decisions across so many spectrums of media.
and David Rockefeller are Directors Emeriti
(A director emeritus is a former member of a company's board of directors who has completed his service as the director but continues to be associated with the business as an adviser.). Corporate membership
CFR has several levels of corporate membership: founders, premium members, and associates.
CFR Influence in Education and the Media
The Council accepts only American "citizens" and has a membership of about 3,600, including influential bankers, corporate officers, and leading government officials who have been significantly affecting domestic and foreign policy for the past 30 years. Every [recent] member had been handpicked by David Rockefeller, who headed the inner circle of the CFR.
Some of the major newspapers, news services and media groups that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: New York Times Washington Post Wall Street Journal Boston Globe Baltimore Sun Chicago Sun-Times L.A. Times Syndicate Houston Post Minneapolis Star-Tribune Arkansas Gazette Des Moines Register and Tribune Louisville Courier Associated Press United Press International Reuters News Service Gannett Co. (publisher of USA Today and 90 other daily papers plus 40 weeklies; and also owns 15 radio stations, 8 TV stations, and 40,000 billboards).
Some of the magazines that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: Time, Inc. founded by CFR member Henry Luce and Hedley Donovan, which publishes Time, Fortune, Life, Money, People, Entertainment Weekly, and Sports Illustrated Newsweek (owned by the Washington Post) Business Week U.S. News and World Report Saturday Review National Review Reader's Digest Atlantic Monthly McCall's Forbes Look Harper's Magazine
Some of the publishers that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: Macmillan Random House Simon & Schuster McGraw-Hill Harper Brothers Harper & Row Yale University Press Little Brown & Co. Viking Press Cowles Publishing.
Some of the organizations and think-tanks that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: Brookings Institute RAND Corporation American Assembly Foreign Policy Association (co-founded by CFR member Raymond Fosdick) World Affairs Council Business Advisory Council Committee for Economic Development National Foreign Trade Council National Bureau of Economic Research National Association of Manufacturers National Industrial Conference Board Americans for Democratic Action Hudson Institute Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Institute for Defense Analysis World Peace Foundation United Nations Association National Planning Association Center for Inter-American Relations Free Europe Committee Atlantic Council of the U.S. (founded in 1961 by CFR member Christian Herter) Council for Latin America National Committee on U.S.-China Relations African-American Institute Middle East Institute
Some of the many companies that have been controlled or influenced by the CFR: Morgan, Stanley Kuhn, Loeb Lehman Brothers Bank of America Chase Manhattan Bank J. P. Morgan and Co. First National City Bank Brown Brothers, Harriman, and Co. Bank of New York CitiBank/Citicorp Chemical Bank Bankers Trust of New York Manufacturers Hanover Morgan Guaranty Merrill Lynch Equitable Life New York Life Metropolitan Life Mutual of New York Prudential Insurance Phillips Petroleum Chevron Exxon Mobil Atlantic-Richfield (Arco) Texaco IBM Xerox Corporation AT&T General Electric ITT Corporation Dow Chemical E. I. du Pont BMW of North America Mitsubishi Toyota Motor Corporation General Motors Ford Motor Company Chrysler U.S. Steel Proctor and Gamble Johnson and Johnson Estee Lauder Avon Products R. J. R. Nabisco R. H. Macy Federated Department Stores Gimbel Brothers J. C. Penney Company Sears, Roebuck and Company May Department Stores Allied Stores American Express PepsiCo Coca-Cola Pfizer Bristol-Myers Squibb Hilton Hotels American Airlines
By obtaining ownership of the “influential” print media almost a century ago, the global elitists were able to ensure that they would maintain control of the information stream to the masses, for decades to come.
Today, they control the five mass media conglomerates that in turn own or control all major TV and radio station syndicates; the print media, including newspapers, the educational books used in our schools and universities, and book and magazine publishers; the major internet service providers; music, video, and recording companies; and the Hollywood film industry.