Toddlers Shoot More People Than "Terrorists"
This meme recently came under attack for it's inaccuracy...
The information provided in an online discussion moved me to create a blog post about it.
Thank You Grey!
While it is not specified as such, in observing the characters used in the meme, it can be logically deduced that the meme is comparing the number of killings by radical Islamic terrorists with the number of police killings. While the numbers in the meme may be slightly off for the year 2017, they are still close enough to portray the general idea that police kill civilians at an exponentially higher rate than the radical Islamic terrorists do. This is irrefutable. Below is a listing of terrorist attacks in the United States for 2017. I have drawn an arrow next to the ones in which radical Islamics were the perpetrator. The numbers in the far left columns are the number of people killed.
And here she has circled in red the number of people killed by police in 2017
Conclusion: Amount of people killed by radical Islamic terrorists in 2017: 11 total Amount of people killed by police in 2017: 976 total
Also, on a side note, with regards to the hysteria surrounding the radical Islamic terrorists (largely propagated by Trump and his followers for political purposes), I think it is worthy of pointing out the fact that you are more likely to get shot by a toddler than killed by a "radical Islamic terrorist."
In her opinion, that's just another boogeyman launched upon the masses by way of the media to keep them distracted from the very real threat that is right here at home on American soil.
I concur.
This is how you are more likely to be shot by a toddler than killed by an islamic terrorist.