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Kill Cancer/Curb Sugar - Keep your hard earned money and your health intact!

I'd like to start off by saying that cancer itself is a billion dollar industry.

Spending on cancer medicines totaled $107 billion worldwide in 2015 and is projected to exceed $150 billion by 2020, reflecting the adoption of newer, pricier therapies, according to a report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

Price hikes on older medicines as well as increasing numbers of patients receiving treatment, and for extended durations, are also driving up spending, IMS reported. The total inflation for 2015 was 11.5 percent from the previous year.

A nine-year joint research project has led to a critical breakthrough in cancer research. Scientists have clarified how the Warburg effect, a phenomenon in which cancer cells rapidly break down sugars, stimulates tumor growth. This discovery provides evidence for a positive correlation between sugar and cancer, which most certainly have a considerable impact on tailor-made diets for cancer patients.

This project was started in 2008. The research has been published in the leading academic journal Nature Communications.

Sugar awakens cancer cells

While earlier research into cancer cell metabolism focused on mapping out metabolic peculiarities, this study clarifies the link between metabolic deviation and oncogenic potency in cancerous cells.

The global market for sugar and sweeteners totaled about $77.5 billion in 2012 and is projected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.6% and reach nearly $97.2 billion by 2017, according to a report from BCC Research.

In this market, sugar holds the majority share, covering an 83% to 85% share. It is important to note that, the volume of sugar consumption is rising globally by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 4%.

What does it all mean?

Unfortunately, this information paints a very specific picture to me. Not only have they "legally" and purposefully aimed a drug called sugar at not us, but at our children. If you look around, IT IS IN EVERYTHING!!! "They" have (just like cigarettes) known for a long time higher intake of sugars would fuel a billion dollar a year cancer treatment research scheme to drain more money out of the global population but largely here in the U.S.

When you understand they are profiting billions off of the sugar that will either fuel and ignite the cancer cells within our bodies, you start to see an ever clearer picture that is more deviant than you had probably imagined.

They market a substance to us that in some studies shown to be as addictive as heroin, we pay out of our pocket and with our health to remain in a hamster wheel that will deplete our long term resources and keep us very very sick.

The best things for you to do.

  • Read labels carefully. The higher an ingredient appears in the ingredient list, the greater the amount is present in the food. Try comparing labels on one type of food during each shopping trip. Higher quality carbohydrates will have more fiber and less total and added sugar, when compared to similar foods.

  • If sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, or other sweeteners are near the top of the ingredient list, the food is likely to have a higher GI. Hidden sugars are those listed as different names. They end in –ose: fructose, maltose, dextrose, sucrose. “Natural” sugars like molasses, agave, honey, and maple syrup may offer some antioxidant benefit, but these are still sugars. Simple carbohydrates of all types should be limited in a healthy diet. The American Heart Association suggests limiting added sugars to 25 g (6 teaspoons) per day for women and 37 g (9 teaspoons) per day for men.

  • Focus on fiber. Increased fiber content means the food is less processed. More importantly, fiber itself slows emptying from the stomach. This lowers GI.

  • Avoid sugary drinks such as soda, lattes or sweetened teas. Many people "drink" large volumes of carbohydrate (and calories), in a form that converts very rapidly into blood sugar.

  • Water, unsweetened tea, vegetable juices and other sugar-free fluids are healthy options.

  • Soy milk, milk, and kefir have a low glycemic index and offer many other beneficial nutrients.

  • Choose whole fruit over fruit juice. The fiber in fruit slows down the absorption of the carbohydrate and also controls appetite. You are unlikely to eat three oranges but may easily drink the equivalent of three oranges as juice.

  • If more calories are needed, such as during cancer treatment choose an oral drink/supplement that includes protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

  • Select foods as close to their natural form as possible, as they “came out of the ground or off the plant or tree”. The more processed the food is, the higher the glycemic index will be. Less processed carbohydrates are healthier because they provide other “cancer-fighting” nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

  • Use fruit for dessert, making sweets an occasional treat. Occasional means to eat a few times a week. When you do eat dessert look for vegan dessert they are more likely to have pure raw ingredients with no preservatives.

Nicki is a Mother, Blogger, Author, Activist, and Survivor.
Her passions are Freedom & Food. When she isn't overloaded with daily life she loves to travel and meet like minded people.
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