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Powerful Pineal

What is the Pineal Gland and What Does It Do?

How you think and feel every day depends on the pineal gland. As the producer of the hormone melatonin, the quality and duration of your sleep relies on how well it produces this hormone.

This tiny (rice sized) organ is an endocrine gland sitting alone in the brain, level with our eyes.

The Pineal Gland regulates your daily and seasonal circadian rhythms. Melatonin is the chemical in charge of our sleep cycles and the quality of our sleep, and it also regulates the onset of puberty. Melatonin is responsible for fighting against free radicals.

A decline in melatonin triggers the ageing process in the body. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter or happy chemical responsible for our mood, is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. The pineal plays a major role in hibernation of animals, in metabolism and seasonal breeding. that determine your hormone levels, stress levels, and physical performance.

Its significance appears in every ancient culture throughout the world. For example, in Ayurvedic philosophy, the third eye is represented by the Ajna chakra and in Ancient Egypt, the symbol of the Eye of Horus mirrors the placement of the pineal gland in the profile of the human head. The third eye is connected to clarity, concentration, imagination and intuition.

It is widely believed that the pineal gland is key to our spiritual awakening and psychic abilities.Traditionally, the pineal gland is said to be the third eye chakra, otherwise known as Ajna or the eyebrow chakra, which is set back and between our two physical eyes.

Scientific evidence supports the possibility that our third eye, or pineal, was once our first eye. Under the microscope, the pineal is made up of cells that have the same features as the rod-shaped light sensitive cells found in our retinas. The pineal gland receives signals that travel down the optic nerves. It seems the primitive third eye functioned as a sight organ before our current set of eyes. The pineal gland gives a perception of the world around us through our senses. It controls the action of light upon our body and is located beneath the cerebral cortex where the two hemispheres of the brain join. This is the place where the brain regulates consciousness and interprets the body’s sensory and motor functions.


Developing the third eye is the doorway to all things psychic—telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection. The illusion of separation between self and spirit dissolves when the third eye connection is cultivated. Metaphysical ways of being are connected to the third eye, such as how to be awake within the dream, to walk between realities and surpass the limitations of humanity.

Ways to Open Your Third Eye

Activating your pineal gland may be helpful for regulating mood, sleep, and energy levels. Here are some ways to get started.

Get Out and Into the Sun

Sun exposure kick starts the pineal gland and stimulates the mind. Any type of light exposure, either directly or indirectly, activates the pineal gland, prompting it to produce serotonin; the neurotransmitter responsible for mood and energy levels. This is why it’s crucial to avoid light after the sun goes down, because you need your pineal gland to produce melatonin and suppress serotonin. This process can only be accomplished by reducing light from electronics and lightbulbs as much as possible.

Sleep in Complete Darkness

A dark environment ensures your pineal gland produces enough melatonin to ensure good, restful sleep. Make sure you avoid backlit devices like phones, tablets, computer monitors, or TV right before bed. The lighting of these devices stimulates serotonin production, tricking your pineal gland into thinking it’s daytime, confusing your wake/sleep cycle.

Sun Gazing

Sun gazing is perhaps one of the most controversial exercises you can do to activate the pineal gland. Here’s the basics of the practice: within the first 15 minutes of sunlight at the beginning of the day and then the final 15 minutes of sunlight at the end of the day, you gaze into the sun for a couple of seconds.


The pineal gland responds to the bioelectric signals of light and dark, and meditation activates this bioelectric energy. With practice, you can learn to direct this energy to this highly-sensitive organ.

Avoid Fluoride

Stop drinking fluoridated water; this means you should probably steer clear of tap water, choosing alkaline or distilled water instead. Another thing you could do is try fluoride-free dental products. Iodine may be another helpful tool to use for detoxifying your pineal gland from excessive fluoride.

Supplement your diet

Both oregano oil and neem extract help in the purification process, helping to remove existing calcification within the pineal gland, in addition to purifying the body’s systems, especially the endocrine system. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. ... The malic acid in raw apple cider vinegar detoxifies heavy metals while its natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes replenish your body with necessary nutrients. Malic acid binds with toxins and helps the body eliminate them more efficiently.Raw, organic chocolate in its purest form can help detoxify the pineal gland because of cacao’s high antioxidant content. Cacao will also help stimulate the third eye.

Use essential oils

Certain essential oils are thought to stimulate and awaken the pineal gland and encourage heightened spiritual awareness and deeper states of meditation. These include sandalwood, frankincense, lavender, pine, and davana oil, made from Artemisia pallens, an aromatic herb that's native to India.

Calcification of the Pineal Gland

The calcification of the pineal gland is common if the third eye is not being used or as a result of diets rich in fluoride and calcium.

Calcification is the buildup of calcium phosphate crystals in various parts of the body. This process occurs because of toxins in everyday products, like fluoride, hormones and additives, sugars and artificial sweeteners. Radiation from cell phone use and electric and magnetic fields may have negative impacts on the pineal gland as well.

Some people believe mass media campaigns advocating the use of fluoride and calcium are motivated by government control programs.

Calcification is the biggest problem for the pineal gland. Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other organ and leads to the formation of phosphate crystals. As your pineal gland hardens due to the crystal production, less melatonin is produced and regulation of your wake-sleep cycle gets disturbed.

Research also reports fluoride hardening accelerates sexual development in children, particularly in girls. And this is a serious problem as a study from 30 years ago reported 40% of American children under 17 were found to have pineal calcification in process.

Since then, we’ve see children, especially girls, experience the early onset of puberty. In addition to fluoride, halides like chlorine and bromine also accumulate and damage the pineal gland. Calcium supplements can also cause problems. Without enough vitamin D–64% of Americans are vitamin D deficient–calcium does not become bioavailable and calcifies human tissue, including the pineal gland.

Eliminating fluoride may be the best first step for reducing health concerns. Use fluoride-free toothpaste, avoid tap water, and drink filtered water. For the best filtered water, use a reverse osmosis water filter. Eat calcium-rich foods rather than taking calcium supplements if you can get plenty of vitamin D.

Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

If you’ve been exposed to fluoride, your pineal gland has some degree of calcification preventing it from working well. Here are a few ways you can decalcify:

Tamarind Fruit

The fruit from the African tamarind tree is extremely effective at removing fluoride from the body. One study found children given tamarind excreted significantly more fluoride in their urine compared to the control group and may halt or even reverse the effects of skeletal fluorosis.


These volcanically-produced crystals have recently been discovered as a powerful way to detoxify your body. They break down hardened calcium that forms around toxic metals in tissue and removes these heavy metals from the body.

Both oregano oil and neem extract help in the purification process, helping to remove existing calcification within the pineal gland, in addition to purifying the body’s systems, especially the endocrine system. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. ... The malic acid in raw apple cider vinegar detoxifies heavy metals while its natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes replenish your body with necessary nutrients. Malic acid binds with toxins and helps the body eliminate them more efficiently.Raw, organic chocolate in its purest form can help detoxify the pineal gland because of cacao’s high antioxidant content.

Halides like fluoride, chlorine, and bromine accumulate in your tissue if you’re iodine deficient, which is an increasing problem around the world. If you’ve cut back on salt and don’t eat a lot of seafood, there’s a good chance you may be deficient. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include chronic fatigue, thyroid disease, feeling cold or a low body temperature, and hormone imbalance. To get more iodine, eat foods rich in iodine, or take a colloidal iodine supplement for the best result.

Nicki is a Mother, Blogger, Author, Activist, and Survivor.
Her passions are Freedom & Food. When she isn't overloaded with daily life she loves to travel and meet like minded people.
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